The Advantages of Modular Construction

As an expert in the construction industry, I have seen firsthand the benefits of modular construction. This innovative process involves building a structure off-site in a controlled environment and then transporting and assembling it at its final location. The result is a high-quality, customizable building that can be used for a variety of purposes. When discussing modular construction, it's important to understand that the term has two meanings. The first refers to building elements or modules, while the second refers to designing an idea in repeatable parts.

For the purposes of this article, we will focus on the former definition. Modular construction has been used for decades in various industries, including housing for workers, those with housing problems, and those affected by natural disasters. It has also been utilized for mass production of selected products. In recent years, modularized control rooms have become increasingly popular, especially with the rise of decentralized control systems. One of the key advantages of modular construction is that it requires more decisions to be made and more design and engineering work to be completed early in the process. This allows for greater collaboration between all parties involved, including architects, designers, and contractors.

At Modulo, we pride ourselves on working closely with our clients to ensure their project is built in a modular way. Research has shown that modular construction can significantly reduce costs by shortening the construction schedule and avoiding delays due to site-related factors. In fact, it's not uncommon for costs to be reduced by 10% or more. This is particularly beneficial for projects with tight budgets or strict timelines. The concept of modular construction has evolved over time since its inception in the 1970s. Recent studies have further supported its efficiency and potential to help the construction industry grow.

The TUT-MicroFactory, for example, is a modular construction kit that allows for easy reconfiguration for different manufacturing processes. One of the key challenges of modular construction is determining which equipment is best suited for each module. This requires careful evaluation at the beginning of the design process. However, once this is determined, the benefits are numerous. The Modular Construction Institute has reported that projects can be completed in half the time compared to traditional construction methods.

Additionally, weather delays are eliminated as the majority of construction work is done in a controlled factory environment. Volumetric Building Companies (VBC), a leader in the construction industry, has embraced modular construction and has chosen the Maestro Smart 9 heat pump as its preferred comfort solution for a modular housing project in Philadelphia. This project consists of 60 modular housing units and showcases the versatility and efficiency of modular construction. Modular counter-rotating twin-screw machines are also commonly used in modular construction for mixing, devolatilizing, and extruding reactively. These machines are known for their reliability and precision, making them an ideal choice for modular construction projects. In conclusion, as an expert in the construction industry, I have seen firsthand the many advantages of modular construction. From cost savings to increased collaboration and efficiency, this innovative process is poised to revolutionize the way we build in the future.

Mabel Leifer
Mabel Leifer

Freelance tv trailblazer. Incurable pop culture fan. Lifelong beer geek. Avid pizza evangelist. Total writer.