What is a volumetric modular construction?

Volumetric modular construction is a form of off-site construction in which buildings are joined together by connecting a series of fairly large pre-built sections, or “modules”. It is often referred to as prefabricated construction, although strict definitions may vary slightly from one source to another.

Volumetric modular construction

is a branch of modular construction that represents a higher level of sophistication through factory-manufactured six-sided units. This is in contrast to panelization, which produces two-dimensional components that require increased on-site assembly.

This modular process allows construction times to be reduced by 30 to 50% compared to conventional construction. The industry average is that volumetric modular construction, delivery, transportation and facilities require approximately half the time of traditional construction. Volumetric modular construction is a branch of external construction in which six-sided modular units, unlike two-dimensional components, are assembled in a factory and installed on site. Since modular units must be transported long distances on trucks and then moved by crane or other method to the ground, they must also be extremely solid.

from a structural point of view. Stream Modular is a transportation logistics company that specializes exclusively in modular construction. The advantages of modular construction are positively correlated with more complete types of modular construction, meaning that the more finished the components have, the greater the advantages. Modular construction can also offer an advantage in similar categories of the International Green Building Code.

We help module manufacturers and builders to transport modules, modules and panels so that they arrive on time and safely at the construction site. In the short term, construction companies and contractors, land costs and restrictions, ongoing mortgage agreements, and insurance requirements may differ with volumetric modular construction. Modular construction factories are dedicated to building highly efficient buildings with inspections at each station, eliminating variability when making decisions or unexpected complications that may arise on the ground. Extreme weather data has demonstrated that volumetric modular buildings are stronger than their traditional counterparts.

Consistency, efficiency and overall speed are some of the key advantages of modular systems, and A-LINX Building Technologies is taking them to the next level. The modular construction makes it possible to optimize the purchase and use of construction materials, while minimizing on-site waste and offering a higher quality product to the buyer. From factory precision to faster installation, modular construction offers an attractive range of advantages. While you can customize volumetric modular construction at its initial design stage, be sure to communicate all necessary features and changes before the design is “closed” and production begins.

Mabel Leifer
Mabel Leifer

Freelance tv trailblazer. Incurable pop culture fan. Lifelong beer geek. Avid pizza evangelist. Total writer.